How can I collaborate in Flowrabbit?
To starting collaborating in Flowrabbit you can add others to your team. Each application that you create is its own team, this means that for each application that you make you can choose who you want to work with on this application. To add someone to an applications team follow these steps:
- In the "My Apps" overview, click on the application you want to collaborate on.
- Click on "Settings" in the upper left area of the screen.
- Click on the "+"-Button in the "Team"-Section
- Enter your team member's email address.(Your team member must already have a Flowrabbit Account!)
- Click "Add User"
Now, your team member has been sent an invitation email to join your team! As soon as they have accepted the invitation, they can work on the application.
Tip: If you are currently working on an application, click on the Menu Button in the left corner (look for the icon with three horizontal bars!), then click on "Back to App Dashboard" and finally click on "Settings" to get to the App Settings.
How can I adjust permissions for individual team members?
You might want to invite some team members to your project as fully authorized collaborators while giving others read-only rights to enable them to look at and try your prototypes without letting them edit anything.
By clicking on their avatar in the "Team" section of your app settings, you can adjust your team members' roles. Choose "Write" to give them full capabilities to edit the project, or choose "Read" to allow them to look at but not edit the project.