Left Panel - Layer Management

How does Layer Management in Flowrabbit work?

The panel on the left side of the screen displays all the layers of your application. Here, you can see all the elements and their stacking order. You can also identify any groups you have created and determine which elements belong to each screen. Typically, all components should be part of a screen. Any component within a screen will be indented below the screen's name. Within a screen, you can rearrange components to bring them forward or move them backward. The first group of elements in the layers panel is labeled "Canvas," which includes all elements not part of a screen. These elements are typically your widgets.

What can I use the left panel for?

When you click on any of the screens, groups, components, or widgets, the settings panel on the right side of the editor opens with the corresponding settings for your selected element. Additionally, you can select elements here and toggle their visibility by clicking on the eye icon next to their name.

Tip: Use the selection in the layers panel to quickly locate elements in the layers overview when working on large projects.

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Right Panel - Element Setting