Importing Components from Flowrabbit Apps

You might want to create a design that can be used in multiple Flowrabbit applications. One way to do this in Flowrabbit is using Custom Components, learn more about them here: Custom Components. In this article we want to present a second way for sharing design across flowrabbit applications: Importing Components from other flowrabbit apps. 

Why should I not just use Custom Components? 
While Custom Components let you easily use designs accross your different application, all your Custom Components are stored in one section ("My Components") in your Components library. If you work on many different projects, using many different styles, in Flowrabbit you might want to group design systems (sets of costum components) together. 

How do I import components form other flowrabbit apps? 

To add all the components from another Flowrabbit application to your current application follow these steps in your current application:  

  1. Click on the components icon on the left side of the toppbar. (filled diamond icon)
  2. Click on "Import".
  3. Chekck the box in front of the Flowrabbit Application from which you want to import the components. All components used in this file will be imported, not just the components that you have saved as custom components!
  4. Once again click onthe components icon. The name of the Flowrabbit Application which you have imported will now be shown in the category selection on the right. (below the "My Components" category.)

Tip: A practical way to use this would be to create Flowrabbit Apps for each type of design/style/design system you work with, then importing the corresponding Flowrabbit Application whenever you start working on a new Application. For example you might have some Flowrabbit Applications for different style e.g. a "minimalist design system", a "bold and colofurl design system" and a "glassmorphism design system" that you frequently work with. Now, whenever you create a new application in Flowrabbit you simply follwo the steps above and add whichever desgin system you want to use to the new app. 

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