Publishing your Flowrabbit App

How can I share my Flowrabbit Apps?

To share your Flowrabbit App, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the "My Apps" Overview. If you are currently working on an application, click on the Flowrabbit-Icon in the left corner, then click on "Back to Apps," and finally click on "My Apps."
  2. Click on the App you want to publish.
  3. Click on "Publish" in the left panel.
  4. Under "Access," choose whether you want to share your App publicly or just with anybody in your Flowrabbit-Team.
  5. Under "Organization," there is currently only the option to choose "private." This is simply because the option to create Organizations in Flowrabbit is still in development; until we get there, you can ignore this option.
  6. Give your application a name; this is the name that will be used in the sharable link to reach your application.
  7. Click "Save."

You can now use the link to reach your Flowrabbit application!

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