How to use Form Validation

Flowrabbit supports form validation. You can specify for most of the components if the user input is required. For text boxes, you can even specify different input formats. You can, for instance, define that a certain input field requires valid email addresses, whereas another component requires numbers larger than zero. Flowrabbit ships with a number of built-in patterns, such as phone numbers, dates, times, or email addresses, but you can also specify custom patterns.

When to Use:

When you are designing a complex workflow, data validation is mandatory to prevent users from entering the wrong data. Thus, validation is also crucial during prototyping if you want to create a realistic prototype.

Enabling Validation:

To enable validation, select a component and select the Required checkbox in the Data & Validation section of the property panel. You can also set for certain types of components the required input pattern. To change this, click on the No Validation button to select the type of pattern that is allowed.

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