Feedback & Bug Reporting

How can I report bugs?

Flowrabbit has a built-in bug reporting feature. Simply click on the "Bug"-button on the right side of the top bar. Choose "Report an Issue" when reporting bugs. Feel free to report any problem you might encounter, no matter how small or specific it might seem! It's especially helpful if you include a screenshot or screen recording. To do that, please choose the "Report an Issue" option and click "Mark the Bug" or "Record Screen."

Hint: As soon as you have reported an issue or sent us a message, you can click on the message-button (the second button from the left in the navigation bar) in the feedback window to see all your issue reports and messages.

How can I request a feature?

Again, click on the "Bug" button in the top bar. Then, choose "Request a Feature" and simply describe what you are missing. We are grateful for any and all of your ideas!

How can I reach out to the team to give feedback in general?

Feel free to send us an email at [email protected]. You can also simply use the "Send us a Message" button in the Feedback Window, which you can open by clicking the "Bug" button in the top bar, to contact our team.

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