
Widgets are how you add custom code, use conditional logic elements, and connect the power of outside services to your flowrabbit application. Widgets can be your connection to OpenAI's Assistants, Prompt Builders to service your LLM Assistants, and any services reachable via REST APIs.

To add a Widget, click on the button on the left side of the top bar and choose the kind of Widget you want to add. Then simply drag the Widget onto the canvas. Don't place the Widget on a screen; just connect the Widget to whichever screen it relates to. Find out more in the detailed descriptions of the widgets:

REST Widget:

Use this Widget to connect any service that is reachable via a REST API.

OR Widget:

Use this Widget to use conditional OR statements in your application. For example, this enables you to navigate to a certain screen under one condition and to another screen under another condition.

Script Widget:

Use this Widget to add custom code to your application.

GPT Widget:

Use this Widget to add an instance of OpenAI's GPT. 

Assistants Widget:

Use this Widget to add your custom OpenAI Assistants to your flowrabbit application. This helps you create custom LLM interactions, context-aware forms, or writing assistants.

Prompt Builder:

Use this Widget to build prompts to use with your LLMs. Use the variables in your application; they might come from text inputs, checkboxes, etc., to construct a prompt to give to your Assistants Widget.

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