Integration Basics and Overview

What are integrations?

Flowrabbit's Integrations are accessible as Widgets. These are a collection of elements that you place directly onto the canvas to add functionality to your application. Additionally, the Airtable Integration is accessible in the Components Library, under "Logic." Currently, the following integrations are available, but we are also working on adding more integrations and making access to them easier.

REST API: Any service accessible via a REST API can be easily integrated with Flowrabbit. Learn more here: REST API Integration

OpenAI: Access to OpenAI's GPT is especially easy in Flowrabbit, as it is preintegrated with the ChatGPT and Assistant Widget. Learn more about using OpenAI's services in Flowrabbit here: OpenAI Integration

Airtable: The Airtable integration enables you to connect your Flowrabbit Applications with your databases easily. Learn more about using Airtable with Flowrabbit here: Airtable Integration

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Airtable Integration